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After a price has been proposed there is a liveness period before the LSP contract receives the proposed value. During this time Disputers can refute a price submitted. If a proposal is not disputed it is treated as correct.

The proposal liveness period can be customized for each LSP contract using the optimisticOracleLivenessTime parameter on deployment. Our example contract uses a optimisticOracleLivenessTime of 60 seconds to speed up the development process, however, most contracts use hours or even days for more complex calculations.

For the example contract, if the proposed value of 1 was not disputed settle can then be called. The total collateral amount would be allocated to the long token (Heat) and the short token (Hawks) would expire worthless.

Note: If using the example below, make sure to input your LSP contract address for the lspAddress constant below.

// Helper modulesconst { getContract, web3 } = require("hardhat");const { toWei, fromWei } = web3.utils;
// Constants to updateconst lspAddress = "YOUR_LSP_CONTRACT_ADDRESS";const longTokensToSettle = toWei("1");const shortTokensToSettle = toWei("1");
// The LSP contract allocates collateral based on the proposed price after the liveness period is complete.const settle = async () => {  const [deployer] = await web3.eth.getAccounts();  const LongShortPair = getContract("LongShortPair");  const lspContract = new web3.eth.Contract(    LongShortPair.abi,    lspAddress  );
  console.log("Calling settle on the LSP contract...");  await lspContract.methods.settle(longTokensToSettle, shortTokensToSettle).send({ from: deployer });  console.log(`- Settled ${fromWei(longTokensToSettle)} long token(s) and ${fromWei(shortTokensToSettle)} short token(s)`);};
// Run script.settle()